Strength and Weaknesses

 It's often difficult to reflect on ones own skill set and where we might fall short. Personally I've spent a lot of time managing a business in the past and have an extensive wealth of experience to draw on to find precisely where I fall short!

I love to design systems, I'm good at it even. I can design work flows and optimize processes all day long and I have no trouble keeping the whole plot together while I do so. Building documented, repeatable processes was one of my central tasks while working as an operations manager for a production company so I've spent quite some time building out that skill set and am comfortable with that portion of business. Given time I can understand finances, tax paperwork, enough bookkeeping to know if the bookkeeper I've hired is good but it's not my strongest skill set. Still, it's something I have a firm enough grasp on to process and work with.

There's many things that I can do that I don't think I necessarily should. I am often a fine people person. I am sometimes a truly awful people person. Functionally this means that I don't make a great HR manager and will benefit from having one such people person when I get to the point of having several employees will be of great value to me.

When it comes down to it, I think most factors of running a business I have enough of grasp of to know what I don't know and have the ability to learn a lot of what I need. All that contingent on the input of valuable third parties like accountants, bookkeepers, and lawyers of course. Where I think I have the greatest struggle is really just stopping myself from trying to do it all. I will need someone if not on board with the company than in my life who knows me and is competent enough to tell me when I need to take my hands off something and just, for the love of god, delegate.


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